Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Premier Acai Blend

MonaVie Brand products are a delicious and energizing blend of the Brazilian Acai Berry and other Nutrient-Dense Fruits from around the world.

Developed with the philosophy of Balance-Variety-Moderation, MonaVie products deliver the phytonutrients and antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

MonaVie Active Juice contains the additional benefits of glucosamine and esterified fatty acids to help maintain healthy joint function. In addition to its Original and Active juices, MonaVie offers MonaVie Gel, which provides all the benefits of MonaVie Original juice in a convenient gel pack.

The Crown Jewel in the MonaVie Blend is the Brazilian Acai (pronounced "Ah-Sigh-ee") Berry, grown in the fertile SOIL of the Amazon Rainforest.

For countless centuries, the people of the Amazon have revered this unique fruit for its health-promoting properties, used it in the treatment of numerous ailments, and prized it as a source of health and vitality. The remarkable health benefits of acai are continually being validated by modern science. And because of its unparalleled antioxidant levels and superior nutrient content, acai is now widely regarded as one of the world's top superfoods.

Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6 and 9)
Amino Acids
Vitamins and Minerals
Complex Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber
Trace Minerals

The acai berry is one of the most powerful yet delicate fruits in the world. Much of its nutrient content can be lost within 24 hours after harvesting, if not properly processed. MonaVie's unique freeze-drying process captures the full complement of acai's nutritional value. With an ORAC score of 1,027, MonaVie's freeze-dried acai powder boasts antioxidant power higher then any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, on a gram-for-gram basis.

What are antioxidants? Antioxidants prevent free radicals from potentially damaging millions of healthy, functioning cells by donating an electron to unstable free radicals. Experts have stated that obtaining a variety of antioxidants through diet or supplementation is essential to maintaining your good health.

What are free radicals? Free radicals are atoms with at least one unpaired electron. In excess, free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage cell membranes, accelerate the aging process, and lead to certain ailments. Tobacco smoke, alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, a poor diet, pollution, and excessive amounts of sunlight are all prolific contributors to the formation of free radicals.

The science and quality assurance that goes into making MonaVie is the difference between a good product and the premier nutritional beverage that is MonaVie. Incorporating the best of science and nature, MonaVie provides you with a variety of benefits.

ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorbance capacity. This is a scientific way of saying, "How well does a certain antioxidant help my body defend itself against free radical attacks?

ORAC Comparison

MonaVie's Freeze Dried Acai >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1,027
Cranberry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>94
Blueberry (lowbush) >>>>>>>>92
Acai (spray-dried powder)>>64
Blackberry >>>>>>>53
Raspberry >>>>>48
Strawberry >>36

Acai, Apricot, Aronia, Acerola, Purple Grape, Passion Fruit, Camu Camu, Banana, Lychee Fruit, Nashi Pear, Kiwi, Pomegranate, Prune, Wolfberry, Pear, Bilberry, Cranberry, Blueberry, White Grape...

With a blend of 19 fruits, including acai, MonaVie is a unique and delicious nutritional beverage.

The acai berry is the foundation of the MonaVie blend, but with literally thousands of phytonutrients and antioxidants found in nature's fresh fruits, MonaVie didn't want to focus on just one at the expense of others. This led to MonaVie's selection of 18 additional fruits, each selected for its unique, beneficial properties and ability to contribute a variety of phytonutrients and antioxidants to MonaVie's premier nutritional beverage.

Together, the synergistic effect of the fruits in the MonaVie blend reaches far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish.

Fruits come in a variety of vibrant, eye-catching colors, but their real beauty is on the inside. Fruits are a great source of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, fiber, and other natural substances to help you look and feel your best. MonaVie offers the benefits of a blend of nutrient-packed fruits in a convenient and delicious juice beverage.

USDA Recommends...
Eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, along with physical activity, to promote good health.

CDC Says...(Centers for Disease Control)
Fruit intake is critical to good health. Compared with people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who eat more generous amounts as part of a healthful diet are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases.

ACAI IN THE NEWS... lists acai as the world's No. 1 superfood.
The London Times boasts, "Acai has the nutritional content that makes other fruits blush with inadequacy."
Vogue positions acai as "the next big workout cocktail."
Men's Journal exclaims, "Acai is the fruit that packs a punch."
Wall Street Journal headlines: "Acai Replaces Wheatgrass in Blenders at Juice Bars."
Good Morning America featured acai as one of "The Next Big Things."
Dr. Nicholas Perricone, best-selling author of The Perricone Promise, states, "The acai berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world...nature's perfect energy fruit."

Follow up to this article: Check out the link on the right side of this page called, MONAVIE, THE STORY...It is a beautifully produced Video with an excellent explanation of THE ACAI BERRY and The MONAVIE PRODUCT...

1 comment:

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